What qualifies for a chargeback?

What qualifies for a chargeback?

A chargeback is like a way to ask for your money back when you've used your credit or debit card. Here are some situations where you can ask for a chargeback:

  1. You Didn't Buy It: If you see a purchase on your statement that you didn't make, you can ask for a chargeback.

  2. Someone Stole Your Card: If someone takes your card and uses it without your permission, you can ask for a chargeback to get your money back.

  3. You Ordered Something, but It Never Came: If you paid for something online but it never arrived, a chargeback can help you get your money back.

  4. The Thing You Got Is Broken: If you buy something and it's broken or doesn't work, you can ask for a chargeback.

  5. You Were Charged Too Much: If you see more money taken from your account than you agreed to pay, you can ask for a chargeback.

  6. You Cancelled a Subscription, but Still Got Charged: If you stopped a subscription but still got billed, a chargeback can help.

  7. Someone Used Your Info: If someone uses your personal info to make purchases without your okay, you can ask for a chargeback.

Remember, each card company has its own rules for chargebacks. If you're not sure, you can ask your bank or card provider for help.